Paul Loeb's Earlier Books
In addition to The Impossible Will Take a Little While and Soul of a Citizen, Paul Loeb has written three earlier books.
Generation at the Crossroads: Apathy and Action on the American Campus, examined the values of the students who've come of age in the 1980s and 1990s, those often dismissed as "Generation X." During seven years of intensive research, Loeb visited over a hundred colleges, exploring the struggle of the current student generation to find its place in a confusing world. The book examines students' concepts of responsibility, what matters in their lives, how they view themselves in relation to a larger human community and as stewards of the earth. It looks at where they can find necessary role models, and the moral and political tools to act for a greater common good.
Hope In Hard Times looked at how previously unconcerned men and women got involved in the nuclear peace movement, in the often-resistant climate of the Reagan era.
Nuclear Culture explored how individuals who manufactured weapons of atomic destruction at Hanford justified their work--and by extension how all of us suppress or confront the critical issues of our time.
Generation at the Crossroads can be ordered through your local bookstore. Or on-line at or Or or by calling 1-800-621-2736.
All three books can be ordered directly from the author:
Paul Loeb
3232 41st Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98116
Generation at the Crossroads is $17.00, Hope in Hard Times is $16.00. Nuclear Culture, which is scarce, is $25.00 Please add $4.00 postage and handling per book.
Praise for Paul Loeb's Earlier Books
For Generation at the Crossroads: Apathy and Action on the American Campus
"Passionate analysis...thorough, fair and smart.... Loeb deserves immediate credit for not patronizing."
—-Baltimore Sun
"Debunks the slacker image."
—-USA Weekend
"Activists of any age will be heartened by Loeb's hopeful conclusions."
—-Utne Reader
"Recounts engaging, honest conversations with apathetic 'adapters' as well as with activists who were able to make a difference...speaks poignantly about he much-ignored plight of poor students who struggle with steep tuition fees and debt."
—-The Economist
"[A] talent for presenting the people behind the opinions. Like Studs Terkel, Loeb is empathetic. He allows his subjects to explain themselves and gives us a sense of their lives."
—-Digby Diehl, Playboy
"Perceptive insights."
—-Christian Science Monitor
"Debunks the myth that young people are greedy and selfish."
—-Cleveland Plain Dealer
"Should be required reading for all American college students."
—-National Student News Service
For Hope in Hard Times: America's Peace Movement and the Reagan Era
"In giving the peace movement the serious portrait it deserves, and in being objective enough to be critical...Loeb offers the kind of confirmation the peace movement needs."
—-New York Times
"An eloquent book."
—-The Atlantic
"[Explores] the individual thought processes and moral and philosophical frameworks that have led ordinary make this issue their issue."
—-Los Angeles Times
"Loeb's ability to amass pertinent facts is unparalleled. [Reveals] the psychological complexities of people whose lives are most affected by the bomb."
—-Psychology Today
"Must reading... [a] masterful treatment."
—-National Catholic Reporter
"His unique ability to shed light on complex political, social and technological issues...should be of use to anyone working to change public attitudes."
—-San Francisco Chronicle
For Nuclear Culture: Living and Working in the World's Largest Atomic Complex
"Most disturbing."
—-The Washington Post
"Vivid, sympathetic and chilling to the bone."
—-The Chicago Tribune
"A disturbing lesson: those most directly involved in nuclear work are often those who think least about its implications."
—-The Christian Science Monitor
"An intimate investigation. [The workers are] uncritical and fiercely protective of 'atom city,' even at the expense of their own health and safety."
—-Los Angeles Times
"Disturbing, fact-laden and just plain interesting. The questions raised lie at the core of continued human survival."
—-John Nichols, The Dallas Times-Herald